Abdirahman Kahin, owner and CEO of Twin Cities-based Afro Deli & Grill, knew he wanted to build a business in his neighborhood and be part of the power of community, both in giving to and receiving from the people he lived and worked alongside.

In 2009, he realized his ambition when he opened a coffee shop. Along with delicious coffee, Kahin sold East African pastries, representing the continent of his birth. As his customer base grew, so did the requests for more East African food options.

“We only had a few items,” Kahin said. “People were asking for real food, not just snacks. That’s when I decided to open a restaurant.”

He worked with a few chefs from his community and created an African menu. Afro Deli & Grill, as Minnesotans know it today, began to take shape.

“The food is not from just one country,” Kahin said. “The menu is more Pan-African. It’s about 30-40% East African, but we also have some western and northern items (West and North of Africa). The idea was to introduce Minnesota to the taste of African food.”

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